Monday, March 21, 2011

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Gift

Morning honey,

Merry Christmas! This is part of my X'mas gift for you. I aimed at 100 but my study does not allow (as you know perfectly well). Anyway I put quite an effort into it so hope you like them. See you tonight.



50 things about my wife
  1. My wife is a dedicated teacher who truly cares her students.
  2. My wife always thinks she should have done much better as a teacher, which I often disagree.
  3. My wife will tell me about her day at school everyday and I enjoy listening to it.
  4. My wife has a tender heart towards all the naughty boys at school.
  5. My wife will spend her time reviewing the homework and test papers at nights, and I volunteer to be her TA whenever possible.
  6. My wife is easily moved when she saw people in need. That's why she went to study psychology and counselling in post-graduate because she really want to help.
  7. We both like psychology and talk about interesting things about human minds and new ideas.
  8. e.g. ' The Minds of Billy Milligan' (though I never started to read seriously), the marshmallow experiment and
  9. My wife has a photographic memory on the events we are together.
  10. My wife always reminds what I forgot, as her hubbie has a 'goldfish' memory on a lot of things =).
  11. But my wife will be reminded by me on other things e.g. paying rents, checking (physical) mailbox.
  12. My wife is 大頭蝦 and I enjoy making fun of her =).
  13. My wife sometimes does not bring her keys home.
  14. But she was really worried when I lost my passport and wallet during our honeymoon in Japan.
  15. My wife sometimes does not bring her cell phone home.
  16. My wife have not lost a cell phone (right?), but her husband did. Twice =P.
  17. My wife gets up earlier than me when she needs to work.
  18. My wife gets up later than me when she don't need to work.
  19. I will stop my wife from 捽眼 when she have her contacts on.
  20. My wife was brought up in a loving family where her bro and sis have taken good care of her.
  21. My wife has great parents. I have great in-laws who are kind and nice to me.
  22. My wife likes cooking and set her mind in becoming a good cook, and I have much faith!
  23. My wife and I will shop for food and cook together when we are free after work. It is the most enjoyable time of the day.My wife likes chips when she is stressed (who don't?).
  24. My wife will eat cup-noodles when she is really busy, something I strongly oppose.
  25. My wife likes 《不能結婚的男人》, especially 阿部寬. Not convinced but feeling good, I was told that I am 100x more cool than him.
  26. My wife is willing watch The West Wing with me. I guess that's pretty boring for her.
  27. My wife likes 櫻桃小丸子.
  28. My wife got several series of 小丸子 VCD and we will watch and laugh together.
  29. My wife got 4 小丸子玩具 at home.
  30. But she did not ask me me to eat 開心樂園餐 (maybe I acted before she asked =P).
  31. My wife loves cats. I like them too as long as it is not kept in my/our house =P.
  32. My wife and I can get into a fight on some really tiny things, just like any other couples in the world.
  33. My wife respects me, and the decisions I made even though some were proved wrong later.
  34. My wife has never yelled at me or 發脾四, no matter how upset she is.
  35. My wife supports me, in my job and study, even though they rob my time that supposed to be spent with her.
  36. My wife took good care of me when I was sick. That's the time when you feel having a wife is so wonderful.
  37. I took care of her when she is sick, I hope she feels she got the right guy.
  38. My wife is not that keen about those luxury brands (me either). I once want to buy her a nice handbag but she said no.
  39. We both like Muji. We got two pairs of slippers, same style, different size.
  40. Her first gift for me is from Muji.
  41. My first gift for her is from Giordano (!) ('how can you go out with such a stingy guy...', I know, I know, it's a black, plain-style sweater from Giordano concepts, really not that bad).
  42. So obviously she does not mind spending the rest of her life with a 'cheap' guy (hopefully with good earning potential in the future, buy and hold a value stock like Buffet!).
  43. My wife handmade a really nice scarf for me last Christmas. She put in so much time and effort and I felt so thankful and sweet.
  44. And interestingly, what what I got her is also a scarf (and gloves), of course not handmade, but she liked it.
  45. I sent my wife flowers twice from a shop near 花墟. I never told her which shop it is, but to our surprise she ordered the flowers for wedding at the same shop(!). Just because of its distinctive styles. (Good eyes honey)
  46. My wife and I enjoy every ride on the bus 234X when we were dating.
  47. My wife has good sense of humor and is my best companion in any situation or event.
  48. My wife loves God. She seeks the truth in her faith and willing to stand for it despite conflicts and challenges.
  49. My wife is gracious and forgiving, willing to accept who I am and used to be.
  50. My wife is someone I want to spend the rest of my life with.
I love you darling. Merry Christmas.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Monday, September 07, 2009

Writing again

The major reason (excuse) for me not to write or update my blog is my turtle speed of Chinese typing. I just decided not to use Chinese for blogging before I can write reasonably quickly.

It's been literally years since I write. You can't image how many things have happened in between, getting 30 (age, not waist size), getting married, new job (not that new now), move to a new place (I really like)... I really haven't even thought that I would have done all these in last two years (okay, wrong grammer, I don't "do" 30). But I am happy, at least happier than two years ago (yes my wife is reading this...), and I am truely grateful, for a lot of things: having a job (stable one I believe) in this outrageous economic crisis, my family (parents and sister), my wife and the wonderful honeymoon in Japan last month (during which I almost lost all the valuables and passport on a train station platform). I really should be thankful.

Look forward to the remaining four months in 2009. Will be extremely busy, have a lot of irregular working hours, and potentially further my studies, and adjust to the new page of life.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007



看着那個 slide show,彷彿回到八年前的日子,仲有一班大唔透老餅加兩個未成年小朋友的激烈uno戰局, 令我返老還童 。

每次攪到下家要draw 4 x 3 的時候 ,我的心中便有一股莫名奇妙的興奮,就好似打咗四號海洛英入靜脈一樣。


C: 多謝你上次打俾我,嗰個方案簡直有如零八實行雙普選一樣令人鼓舞,雖然做唔到,起碼有得幻想吓……

Sunday, September 24, 2006



台灣的局勢最令我留意,我想在兩個月前沒有多少香港人知道施明德是誰(包括我),現在無人不知這位charismatic leader,我真有興趣知道故事如向發展下去。

這個總指揮發起了上百萬人參加這個運動,還有人不上班不上學堅持了一個月(或更多)的時間,這可不簡單,即使陳水扁不辭職,我認為他也可算是成功了, 不只給這個有名無實的總统極大壓力,還為個人政途上再添政治本錢,以及給民進黨人和阿扁畫界清線的機會,以致民眾不用一面倒支持小馬哥的藍營。

儘管我不認同他的政治立場,但這個坐了廿年監今年六十五歲的政治人物,對自己信念貫徹始終(他從沒踏過大陸/特區半步), 那份魄力和毅力的確是令人尊敬,反觀香港一些"民主人士"聲大大乜乜七七,大部份都係生活安穩,年年去旅行,個個月收政府幾皮野,立法會辯論發問水準一般,爭取普選一事上見不得有什麼實際計劃,我問你,這張選票應怎樣投?

誠意推介 : 龍應台 我怎麼上陳水扁這一課

Sunday, July 23, 2006


小書僮身邊着實有不少條件不俗的女性朋友仍然單身,可惜大都遲遲未有着落,相信這不是罕見的現象,你我身邊有不少例子,香港社會的女性越來越能幹本是件好事,事實上很多行業的中層管理也由女性擔任 (雖然board level仍是男性居多),據我觀察其實真正emotionally self-sufficient的女強人只有很少,(別說女人,男人也沒有多少真的 ‘I don’t care’),我相信她們大都希望成家立室,但位居要職,收入可觀的可人兒大都對自己伴侶有點要求,又或是男方要胸襟廣濶,像呂方不介意Dodo姐紅佢咁多也不是易事,最近看到一個專欄文章,在此與大家分享,小書僮在此衷心祝福各姊妹們早日覓得如意郎君。


(小書僮註: 孔少林一向以單身大長今形容學歷高而事業有成的單身女子)





  大長今讀到這裏,心裏必定一萬個不滿意—為什講一些我們早已知道的廢話?我當然不是落井下石之流,我是為大長今姊妹們帶來喜訊:《新聞周刊》二十年後找回當年其中十一位接受訪問的單身女子,其中八個結了婚,大部分生了孩子,無人離婚。姊妹們妳不是一個統計數字,妳是「一」個女人, 妳只須找到「一」個男人。