Monday, September 07, 2009

Writing again

The major reason (excuse) for me not to write or update my blog is my turtle speed of Chinese typing. I just decided not to use Chinese for blogging before I can write reasonably quickly.

It's been literally years since I write. You can't image how many things have happened in between, getting 30 (age, not waist size), getting married, new job (not that new now), move to a new place (I really like)... I really haven't even thought that I would have done all these in last two years (okay, wrong grammer, I don't "do" 30). But I am happy, at least happier than two years ago (yes my wife is reading this...), and I am truely grateful, for a lot of things: having a job (stable one I believe) in this outrageous economic crisis, my family (parents and sister), my wife and the wonderful honeymoon in Japan last month (during which I almost lost all the valuables and passport on a train station platform). I really should be thankful.

Look forward to the remaining four months in 2009. Will be extremely busy, have a lot of irregular working hours, and potentially further my studies, and adjust to the new page of life.

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