Sunday, January 15, 2006



我開始看這份薄chitchit,字多多的報紙是畢業後的事,其實當時覺得它很深(現在也覺得),但從林行止到曹仁超,從孔少林到方卓如,從游清源到黃珍妮,一篇篇的文章,我找到別的報章所缺乏的元素,文字講求理性分折,偶有嬉笑怒駡,或是生活點滴,開展觀看事物的多角度,對不同政見學派的包容。我不是說其他報紙沒有優點,但在一個越大疊起抵買,越多圖越好看的社會文化中,我在燈火瓓珊處找到了她,她不是不吃人間煙火,反而鼓吹自私互利的精神。在那十多頁紙中找不到只懂訴諸感性,滿口道德仁義的吶喊,卻充滿着要求嚴謹分析推論的文章由各外判寫手娓娓道來,聽說稿費不及market average, 但作者們知道哪裏是自己心血作品的最好歸宿,也知道自已的文字不想作風月版的鄰居。

我不想她被賣給李澤楷,國金外望的讀者們(包括我)要成立"救報基金",但看完壹仔的報導知道林生不是等錢駛,只是年紀老邁,再沒有精力繼續經營,最大問題是無人有此才氣心力承繼,始終人各有志,我不怪林小姐或林少東, 只慨歎我們這新一代不爭氣,沒能接着這文人辦報的火把,要把它拱手相讓給大商家,將來的信報可能比方向報更多coupon送。



Anonymous said...

Just visited the blog of 國金外望 and saw your name. I have always seen your messages in the forum of Wong Yuk Man. Not many people in this forum reads HKEJ. When I studied F7 in the secondary school, my teacher recommend this newspapre to us. I have been reading this paper for 26 years and never stopped. Even during the period I was not in HK, my parents also sent me the newspapers by mail once a month. I have already established a very deep relationship with HKEJ.

迷途小書僮 said...

dear skywalker,

Thanks a lot for your message. Great to hear from someone who appreciate the beauty of HKEJ in this corrupted age of media abuse.

To clarify, I am not the same 迷途小書僮 as in Wong Yuk Man's forum. I don't know this name is used by other people already and never intend to pretend to be any person.

I just started reading HKEJ not too long ago, which I wish I should have started earlier. I wish I can share the spirit and way of thinking with my kids (haven't got yet!) when I am old.

Thanks again for posting. Though you may have thought that I am a different person, I'm still thankful for your every word.

迷途小書僮 said...

hi skywalker

just to further clarify, yes, I am the one who posted in 國金外望 (as shown in link), where a few of my humble opinion expressed.

Anonymous said...
